Since our life is consumed with PACKING right now and blogging about that is pretty much boring, the girls and I were talking about things we like. So we thought it would be fun at this point in time to put together a top 10 list of things we each dig! It’s always changing but right now, in no particular order, here are the things the girls and I dig:
Mom’s List
- Dexter
- Peach O’s
- Cherry Coke
- Shane’s Crepes
- Electric Blanket
- iPad, iPhone (My Apple Products)
- Angry Birds
- Bare Minerals Makeup
- Synthia6 Protein Shake
- Fortune Cookie Pot Stickers
Rylee’s List
- Boys
- iPod Touch
- Angry Birds
- Ice Cream
- Movies
- Friends
- Justin Bieber
- House of Anubus (TV Show)
- Adventure Time (TV Show)
- Skateboard
Tristyn’s List
- Justin Bieber
- House of Anubus | Regular Show | Madd | Adventure Time (TV Shows. Tristyn watches a lot of TV)
- Webkins & Club Penguin
- Music
- Angry Birds
- Up with Kids
- Pink Blankie
- Powdered Donuts
- Mountain Blast (To mom’s dismay)
- Tramp