I am so very thankful to be a mother. I have two beautiful daughters and two wonderful stepkids.
Being a mother is THE hardest job I have ever had. Being a divorced mother is even harder! I am always thinking about how the decisionsI make impact the girls. As my girls get older, I worry more. I worry for their future, I want them to be happy, successful and drama free. What mother doesn’t right? We are entering the world of teenagers and it scares and excites me at the same time.
My girls bring me joy beyond words. Yesterday, I said I was thankful for owning my own business. That is because I get to be a full time mom to these wonderful girls by working from home. I take and pick from school, I drive to dance, swim, friends, you name it, I also attend school functions, field trips and more.
I AM SO DEEPLY grateful I have the opportunity to do this, as I know not every mom does. I looked at taking a job a few months ago and the FIRST thing my girls said was NO mom, we love you being home!
My girls have been through a lot in the last 2 years. They really do amaze me. How smart they are, how much they really “see” through people and situations, their ability to roll with the punches, their ability to love, and their good hearts.
As a new stepmom, I am thankful for the opportunity to be a part of these amazing kids lives. They already have a wonderful mother, so I have the pleasure to be a good friend and support system to them.
From snuggles at night, to chatting about boys, I am grateful for the close relationship I have with my daughters. Kids are dealing with so much more than we did at that age. I am surprised DAILY by the stuff my girls tell me. “Breathe deep” is my new mantra. It is what I tell myself when they share stories from school. It makes you want to wrap your kids in bubble wrap and home school them.
Day 2 of 30 Days of Thankful. I am thankful to be a mother!! I am thankful for this job every day!!