This Week at Our House – Feb 1, 2011

Cleaning the Pantry
After numerous occasions of grabbing items from 2002 or 2004, Rylee and I tackled the pantry on Sunday. It was great to throw out old stuff and find out what we REALLY had. A big discovery was the case of Mac and Cheese and lots of Spagetti noodles. My challenge is to figure out how many different recipes with those two items we can make. The great part of a clean pantry is moving it will be CAKE cause we are going to eat most of it in 26 days!

Tristyn’s a Tooth
Tristyn’s class did a play about February going to court by January and March for not doing it’s far share by having only 28 days. It was SO cute. Tristyn was a tooth. I am still trying to figure out how the tooth fit in with the play, but she did so good with her lines. She looked adorable and said her lines perfectly. When she was done, she rushed to me and said” I WAS SO NERVOUS!!” You wouldn’t have known cause she rocked.  (Pictures to come.)

Fat Cats with the Family
On occasion the Gibbs family busts out a family night. Since my mom’s birthday is on Valentines Day and Kade’s birthday is on the 16th. We decided to celebrate early. My girls LOVE Fat Cats. They’d just eat their breadsticks and of course they are always up for bowling. I suck at bowling. The more I play, the worse I get. Case in point on Thursday, I bowled a 59… REALLY?!! Even my Dad beat me by 1. Ash took first, Shane second, Brody…. then… last me!! Oh well, it’s not who wins or loses…. Yeah RIGHT! Check out Shane’s form in the picture, that’s why he almost beat Ash. It was a fun night out with the family. Good time and good laughs! Love my family!

The Family
My attempting to bowl – I really do suck!
Shane bowling – He’s got form!
Girls hammin it up for the camera.

Lunch with My Cousins this Week and Last Week
I am so blessed to have 2 incredible cousins that live close. I have amazing relationships with both of these beautiful women and am grateful for our relationship. I had lunch with Jenny last week and I have lunch with Melissa this week.

Jenny and I March 2009

Jennifer Issac Richards – Lunch last Monday
Jenny is my Dad’s sister’s Janet daughter. My fondest memory of Jenny was sleepovers at Grandma Gibbs on Friday’s. We used to pick up Grandpa at ZCMI corporate office and guess what time he’d walk outside. If we picked the correct time, we got to pick dinner. I think I remember losing a lot. It’s always fun to catch up with each other over lunch.

Up with Kids
The girls got their parts for Up with Kids performance of Alice in Wonderland. Tristyn is “Tweedle Doom” and Rylee is “Lady Isabelle” They are SUPER excited! They’ll perform it in May.

Getting Ready to Move

With papers signed, deposits down, let the packing begin! My to do list is LONG. Lots to do in less than 30 days. Official move in date Saturday, March 5.

I got the painting up for sell on KSL! 

Here’s the link: